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Aashayein Foundation recognizes the vitality of quality education in the growth and development of every individual, community, coShow More
Although there are numerous challenges in the path for quality education, we have identified 3 major areas as our primary focus: Show More
About The Founder

Group Of College Students
The organisation was founded by a group of students, who as a new year's resolution started helping and meeting the children in various orphanages and other aid providing institutions and since 2007 the number of volunteers grew to a large number and hence led to the formation of the AASHAYEIN FOUNDATION
It all began on the first Sunday of January 2007, when a group of fresh college grads came together with the idea of doing something different for the new year – a new year resolution to do something good for the society. Thus it began with serving breakfast at an orphanage on the 7th of January 2007. This group continued serving breakfast every Sunday thereafter in orphanages, blind schools, leprosy centres, etc. Friends, family, and other volunteers joined the cause and there were already motivated people ready to spend their time and energies for a social cause. In a short span of time, this small group had grown to over a hundred volunteers. Our experience till then had made us realise that there are many other problems that need to be addressed and food was just one of them. With dShow More
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"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your affection, your love, your concern." - Joel Osteen
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