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About The Founder

Sabina Solomon
In 1991, Sabina Solomon joined a local orphanage near her home in Shivajinagar, Bangalore as a volunteer. Sabina began by cooking meals for the orphans. Over time, her duties grew to include tutoring the children and searching for steady sources of donor funding.
In 1998, after her husband’s passing, Sabina decided to dedicate the rest of her life to the orphaned children she had Show More
Angels Orphanage is home to more than fifty children and five volunteer staff.
They are an energetic bunch, filled with curiosity and quick to smile. Far from the sad-eyed orphans you might imagine, the angels at Angels Orphanage live their lives with a joy and a hopefulness that comes from knowing they are safe and wanted.
Some of our children are true orphans, having lost both parents. But most arrive from homes simply too poor or too challenged to take care of them. But all that changes on the day they arrive. In fact, from that moment forward, they are no longer orphans at all. They are part of an ever-changing family that encourages them to dream, to grow and to aspire for something more.
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"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your affection, your love, your concern." - Joel Osteen
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