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We welcome all committed people, young or old, to come and volunteer for the cause of the elderly In normal times or in times of dShow More
BLESSING is an initiative which was hatched as a cocoon to give a meaning to untold children of our society. It was established wiShow More
About The Founder

Nishat Hashmi
About me connecting with folks ????and then with outer world. A healing and education counselling center to deserted woman,child labour and unprivileged children that caters to find out what is the best way to find your passion within you.... In nutshell It is about connecting with infinite energy of Universe.
BLESSING is an initiative which was hatched as a cocoon to give a meaning to untold children of our society. It was established with a mission to give a better future to the children who are deprived of opportunities to prove their potentials.Organization has taken an initiative in collaboration with Jamia Milia Islamia wherein we have set up open schools within the premises of Jamia... Our mission is to empower healthcare consumers with the knowledge, options and recommendations that will help them make more-informed and better..
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"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your affection, your love, your concern." - Joel Osteen
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