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To build a community that will unreservedly care for its children through a preventive and promotional approach which supports chiShow More
To encourage the young at risk to join the mainstream of society as educated and productive citizens by partnering with the childrShow More
About The Founder

Bangalore Oniyavara Seva Coota (BOSCO) is a voluntary organization working with street and working children in Bangalore city for the last thirty years, we derive our inspiration from BOSCO the priest Don Bosco of Turin (1815 - 1888), an educationalist who worked tirelessly for the betterment of destitute and needy youth who lived on the streets during his lifetime. How it started In 1980,Show More
It is the sixth centre opened by BOSCO. It has a round the clock open shelter for the underprivileged children who are living in the street. The aim of the centre is to rehabilitate them through various programs: daily contact, counseling, orientation programs, Talent enhancement programs, medical care, day and night shelter, camps, picnics, recreation, etc. The major services of the centre Shelter Facilities Tuition Classes Counseling Motivation for Vocational Training Formal/Non-formal Education Recreational Facilities Orientation and Overnight Programs Various Competitions Saving Scheme Facilities Value Imparting Programs Institutional Placement Picnic
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"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your affection, your love, your concern." - Joel Osteen
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