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Our volunteers find it their responsibility to create awareness among the fellow citizens towards the well being of old age peopleShow More
We aim to offer non-profitable selfless charity and service to all who are in need of basic care, regardless of their religion andShow More
About The Founder

Dr K Prasanth Kumar
Dr.K.Prasanth Kumar, M.Pharm.,LLB.,PhD., Managing Trustee,
He is the founder and Managing Trustee of LIFE charitable trust . He has initiated the trust with a vision to bring a change in the lives of fortuneless and empty handed. He has been working hard to gather other likeminded individuals and organizations in order to reach out to more number of less privileged people guarding the core Show More
The ‘budding flowers’ are empowered to become good citizens and succeed in their respective lives.All the gifts and donations that our trust receives for the cause are used for uplifting the condition of the less fortunate children. We make sure the donations received for the caused is used wisely and in the right manner. At LIFE Charitable Trust, we work to change the lives of the demised and poor children so that they can get a better and healthier life. In addition, we also do our bit to help the terminally ill children and make their lives better. Together with our volunteers, we help the children in need and offer them the opportunity to improve and learn to create a graceful a life. LIFE Charitable Trust empowers them to live with dignity, peace, and harmony.
Awards & Recognition
- Guidestar recongnition.
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"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your affection, your love, your concern." - Joel Osteen
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