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Mitra Jyothi initially worked for the empowerment of visually impaired people but subsequently extended its reach to cover Show More
Jyothi provides accessible educational and general reading material to people with visual disability.
About The Founder

Ms. Madhu Singhal
Ms. Madhu Singhal was born in Harayana and spent her early life there. With great encouragement from her parents she attended regular school and learnt Braille from a teacher after school hours. While all children wrote with pen and pencil, she made her notes in Braille in the classroom. She was an ambitious and self driven child who fought against all odds to not only successfully complete her edShow More
Mitra Jyothi is a registered trust (under Indian Trust Act) located at Bangalore in the State of Karnataka and has been working for people with disability in general and visually impaired in particular for the past 26 years. Ms. Madhu Singhal founded Mitra Jyothi in 1990. Mitra Jyothi’s mission is to assist visually impaired individuals and enable them to lead independent and dignified lives through Education, Training, Counselling and Communication & Technology so as to integrate them into mainstream families and the society at large.
Mitra Jyothi has served thousands of disabled people in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and other states.
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