Product was successfully added to your shopping cart.

Need base - Champions Boys Home

Bangalore, Marathahalli
Since: 0 year(s)
No. of beneficiaries : 45
Powered By Sneh Ghar for boys

Related NGOs

Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Object
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            [item_size] => 
            [item_subcategory] => 9
            [description] => Pens for the underprivileged.
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            [item_size] => 
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            [qty] => 1.0000
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            [item_category] => 6
            [item_size] => 
            [item_subcategory] => 9
            [description] => For teaching on black board
            [is_salable] => 0
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                            [is_in_stock] => 0

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            [description] => For creative works on black board in school
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            [updated_at] => 2017-06-07 09:31:30
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            [qty] => 0.0000
            [accept_old] => y
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            [item_size] => 
            [item_subcategory] => 9
            [description] => For kids creative arts work
            [is_salable] => 0
            [stock_item] => Varien_Object Object
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                    [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 
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            [created_at] => 2017-06-07 10:17:20
            [updated_at] => 2017-06-07 10:17:20
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            [qty] => 0.0000
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            [name] => Scale (pack of 10)
            [image] => /5/9/5937eed0dbb0fscales_1.jpg
            [item_category] => 6
            [item_size] => 
            [item_subcategory] => 9
            [description] => Scales for kids educational activities
            [is_salable] => 0
            [stock_item] => Varien_Object Object
                    [_data:protected] => Array
                            [is_in_stock] => 0

                    [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 
                    [_origData:protected] => 
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                    [_isDeleted:protected] => 
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Mage_Catalog_Model_Product Object
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            [type_id] => simple
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            [approval] => 2
            [qty] => 0.0000
            [accept_old] => y
            [price] => 100.0000
            [name] => Crayons (Pack of 10)
            [image] => /5/9/5937ef843e414crayons_1.jpg
            [item_category] => 6
            [item_size] => 
            [item_subcategory] => 9
            [description] => Crayons for childrens art work.
            [is_salable] => 0
            [stock_item] => Varien_Object Object
                    [_data:protected] => Array
                            [is_in_stock] => 0

                    [_hasDataChanges:protected] => 
                    [_origData:protected] => 
                    [_idFieldName:protected] => 
                    [_isDeleted:protected] => 
                    [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array

                    [_syncFieldsMap:protected] => Array


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    [_oldFieldsMap:protected] => Array

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