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Ananda Marga spread all over India in the Sixties, the scope of Ananda Marga’s social service grew to include children’s homesShow More
Today Ananda Marga is a world-wide organization with spiritual and social activity centers in different countries of the world. ThShow More
About The Founder

Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
Modern writer, philosopher, scientist, social theorist, and spiritual leader, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar has attracted a following in more than 130 countries. His books have been translated into all the world’s major languages, and his unique blend of historical perspective and social commentary has been the inspiration for social activists seeking progressive alternatives to capitalism and communismShow More
The beginnings of Ananda Marga take us back to the state of Bihar, India in 1955, to the town of Jamalpur where Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar organized the first chapter of Ananda Marga. His philosophy strongly rejected dogmas, superstitions and conventions such as the caste system. Shrii Sarkar taught spiritual practices for self-development and urged the aspirants to take a strong stand against exploitation and corruption. The motto “Self-realization and service to humanity” became the guiding ideal for thousands of people who were attracted to the universal vision of Ananda Marga.
After a few years, the movement had spread through the states of Bihar and West Bengal. In 1962, Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar initiated the first monk of Ananda Marga. The creation of the order of nuns followed in Show More
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