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To build a community that will unreservedly care for its children through a preventive and promotional approach which supports chiShow More
To encourage the young at risk to join the mainstream of society as educated and productive citizens by partnering with the childrShow More
About The Founder

BOSCO by Rainbow foundation
On 5th March, 2011, BOSCO started Rainbow home for girl children in partnership with Partnership Foundation, Netherlands which now stands under Rainbow Foundations India (RFI). The goal of the Rainbow home is to provide holistic development formation to girls who live either on the streets or in difficult family environments with no way to enjoy their rights as children.
BOSCO is a non-governmental organization working with street children with special focus on rag pickers, child beggars, child labourers, abandoned children and rehabilitating them to become responsible and economically independent young adults.The children get counselling, periodical health check-up, outings, talent enhancement trainings and indoor games. The bigger girls get the opportunity to develop their leadership qualities and participate in decision-making in matters related to the management of the home.
Prior to admission in formal school, the children at Rainbow home undergo a bridge course during which the children receive spiritual formation, value education, socio-cultural formation, and psychophysical development. During the Bridge course, the children get counseling, Show More
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