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To have a permanent infrastructure.
To combine the causes � Old age care with shelter and education to Orphan children.r />
To expand our services for more and more elderly.
To look after the elderly people with utmost care and empathy in a pleasant atmosphere to
lead a peaceful life till their last journey.
To extend the facilities of the home to more number of needy persons in the society.
To continue to survive by bringing together the hands of all like-minded people Show More
About The Founder

Parmesh M.R and Amala Mary .H
Amala Mary wife of Paramesh established an old age home by name Ayyappa old age home in the year 2010 to serve the elderly.now ayyappa old age home has been renowed as J.M.J Old Age Home Trust
Amala Mary has being the founder of the trust,She has been involved in giving services not only to the elderly but also to the bedridden.She was inspired from her profession which was NURSING. Show More
J.M.J Old Age Home Trust.
Having two branches at Abbigere and Rajajinagar in a rented house, because of this financial harship. Now the trust is in difficult stage of survival we are giving out a call to all the kind hearted and humanitarians to please come forward to support the trust to care for the Needed
J.M.J OLD AGE HOME Trust-Old Age Care, is a charitable trust with the objective of providing care and succor to the old. At J.M.J Old Age Home we have above 30 old, neglected souls being cared for.
The Home provides a homely atmosphere to all the valuable residents which is inclusive of full boarding and lodging facility, personal laundry, nursing, library and common room facilities like TV, Indoor games, etc. Yoga classes, Spiritual classes Show More
Awards & Recognition
- NA.
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"The greatest gift you can give someone is your time, your affection, your love, your concern." - Joel Osteen
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